Trash the Plastic Trash Bill!
Preemption Bill on the Senate Floor TODAY
RIGHT NOW–take a minute to contact your Senator for a NO vote
Click the link below to find contact info for your state senator, or call and leave them a message at (605) 773-3821.
Trash in the river; trash in the fenceline; trash in the streets. We’re all familiar with the convenience–and the problems–of single-use plastic and styrofoam containers. They’re everywhere, and they’re harmful to fish & wildlife as well as domestic animals, livestock, and people. They clog up our waterways and bind up our machinery.
Senate Bill 54 seeks to “preempt,” or block, local communities from deciding for themselves how best to deal with the single use container trash problem. It’s a State-level ban on any kind of local policy-making around a problem we see every day.
Tell Senators that local communities can–and should–decide what’s best for them–by working with their own citizens and businesses to determine policies best for them–whether it’s transitioning away from single-use plastic bags, styrofoam take-out boxes…or no restrictions at all.
Thanks for Taking Action!