Photo by Carla Rae Marshall

Jenny Gulch & Pactola Reservoir Threatened By F3 Gold Project–Comments Due By Oct. 22nd!

YOUR VOICE IS NEEDED for public comment on a proposed gold project that strikes at the heart of the Black Hills and endangers the water supply for Rapid City, Ellsworth Air Force Base, and communities downstream. We’ve already seen the damage gold mining can do–with two EPA Superfund sites already in the Hills. Contamination from those projects has been found all the way to the Missouri River!

Now, an investor group called F3 wants to go treasure-hunting in the area around one of our most beloved recreation areas in the Central Hills–disturbing Bighorn Sheep breeding and birthing grounds at the same time. Pactola Reservoir, which empties into Rapid Creek, is also THE main water supply for the state’s second-largest community as well as many smaller communities along the way. Jenny Gulch is one of our most beloved areas for paddlesports, hiking, and fishing on Pactola.

You DO NOT Need To Be A Black Hills Resident To Comment

We need ALL hands on deck to say NO WAY, NO HOW should we allow corporate prospecting or mining in one of our most critical habitats and water supplies. Write or email the Forest Service by October 22nd and ask for the “No Action” alternative on this project. Additional info and materials to make your comment below.


Maps, documents & links on the proposed project–including the Environmental Assessment, suggestions for comment, and more, are available on the Rapid Creek Watershed Action website HERE:

Rapid Creek Watershed Action is a group formed to protect the watershed and support multiple uses on Forest Service lands while ending the mining threats that endangers us all. Learn more and support the effort at:


Thank YOU for Taking ACTION