In the coming days we will be sharing resources from the National Farm to School Network.
  • Tonight :  Unlearn the history of Thanksgiving :
    This is a collection of writings and videos to help you unlearn the white colonized version of history surrounding the November holiday, Thanksgiving, and learn instead from Indigenous people of the land now called North America. The readings, podcasts, and videos presented here uplift Indigenous voices. Please listen, watch, read, and share the history as told by Indigenous persons while unlearning harmful false narratives. 

    • These resources were curated by Neftalí Duran  for the I-Collective. We send our thanks and appreciation to Neftalí for the extensive compilation of podcasts, videos and articles. As you prepare to meet with family and friends this week and beyond during the flurry of the winter holiday season, we invite you to sit with these resources, share and discuss and think about what a more nuanced, fact-based understanding of our shared history means for us in the year ahead. 

If you missed yesterday’s post, we invite you to read Dakota Rural Action’s Land Acknowledgement.