Dakota Rural Action (DRA) is seeking local food producers, farmers markets, and community gardens from around the state to be listed in the newest edition of the South Dakota Local Foods Directory. As the local foods movement is expanding in South Dakota, DRA is expanding the directory and offering free listings, and if space allows, enhanced listings for $50, and advertisement space for producers who qualify. The directory, a consumer’s guide to eating locally, connects consumers with farmers and other food producers in their area who are direct-marketing their products. Additionally, we are seeking to publish information in the directory about every farmers market and community garden across South Dakota, to further promote a statewide community of consuming food locally, seasonally, and sustainably.
The directory is beautifully laid out and includes recipes, tips for buying locally grown foods, original local artwork and photography, and more. Thousands of copies are distributed free of charge at stores, farmers markets, and events across the state.
Producers and retailers who meet the following criteria can be listed for free in the directory by submitting the online form HERE:
2020-2021 South Dakota Local Foods Directory Online Form
Or calling 605-697-5204 ext. 250, or emailing jordan@dakotarural.org. Businesses interested in purchasing advertising space may also contact Dakota Rural Action directly.**
For Producers/Growers
- Producers must be located in South Dakota.
- Must be producers of food or farm-based products (utilizing ingredients produced on-farm).
- Must be directly marketed to consumers.
- No non-food items unless the producer also sells food items.
- Free listings must be 75 words or less.
- Quarter page enhanced listings may be available for $50.**
- Producers and businesses can inquire about purchasing ad space in the directory.**
**PENDING AVAILABLE SPACE; first priority will be given to Free Producer Listings!
Questions? Contact:
Jordan Walker / 605.697.5204 x250 / jordan@dakotarural.org