For Immediate Release: May 4, 2020
Media Contact: Dakota Rural Action, Eowyn Corral,
South Dakota Local Foods Network
South Dakota Local Foods Network Announces Upcoming Listening Session Opportunities
The South Dakota Local Foods Network (Network) invites those interested in South Dakota’s local food movement including production, marketing, distributing or eating (consuming) to attend one of two upcoming listening sessions. In this uncertain time and change in the food supply chain, the Network would like to provide a time for community members to share ideas, challenges, and immediate needs.
The South Dakota Local Foods Network is a collaboration of partners such as SDSU Extension, USDA Rural Development, South Dakota Specialty Producers Association, South Dakota Department of Agriculture, Dakota Rural Action, and individuals invested in local foods across South Dakota. This Network would like to support a dialogue on local foods among producers, growers, consumers, school nutrition programs, grocers, restaurants and resource providers to best address local food infrastructure and support including any COVID-19 pandemic impacts and needs.
The Listening Sessions will be held as follows: May 12th, 6PM CDT / 5PM MDT and May 21st, 9AM CDT / 8AM MDT.
The Network asks for those interested to please take time to fill out a pre-session survey to prepare the conversation. This survey for example asks what the barriers to local foods in your community are and how has the COVID-19 pandemic influenced your production, marketing or buying plans. Survey link:
Please join the Network for these timely listening sessions so that resource providers and network participants can learn and address what is needed to build a strong and resilient local foods system in South Dakota.
May 12th 6pm central/5pm mountain
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 929 5379 2470
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+16699006833,,92953792470# US (San Jose)
May 21st 9am central/8am mountain
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 911 8791 0071
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,91187910071# US (Houston)
+16699006833,,91187910071# US (San Jose)